서브 컨텐츠
1. What is Pharmacy?
Pharmacy focuses on the application of medicinal knowledge and attitudes with professionalism to the needs and expectations of pharmacists in hospital, drug stores, related laboratories of a company, government or university. The filed of pharmacy includes Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Physical Pharmacy, Medicinal synthetic chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Preventive pharmacy, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacal Microbiology, Anatomy, Toxicology, Pharmacology, Human Physiology, Quality control of drug, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Statistics, Social Pharmacy, Pathological Physiology, Pharmacotherapy, Medicinal chemistry, Pharmacopoeia, Pharmacy Regulation, Pharmacokinetics, Introductory Pharmacy Experimental Practice, introductory Pharmacy Experimental Practice, Community Pharmacy Practice, Hospital Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmaceutics, Inpatient Care/General Medicine, Industry Pharmacy and medicinal Administration Practice, Advanced Pharmacy Experiential Practice The college contributes research in the pharmacy to the underpinning of advances in the health care of the community. Students are encouraged to pursue research interests, develop learning skills and motivation to provide the basis for self-directed continuing education, and acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate for further education in any pharmaceutical speciality. The college is aimed at students who have a basic grounding in clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical science and are training themselves to become a hospital/drug store pharmacist, researcher, public servant, patent attorney, pharmaceutical manufacture manager and so on, involved in discovering, designing, developing, and evaluating new drugs for the marketplace.
2. Pharmacy at Kyung Hee
The Department of Pharmacy of the College of Pharmacy, was initially launched in 1955. This department focuses on the education for hospital/drugstore pharmacy, pharmaceutical science and application of medical knowledge and attitudes with professionalism to the needs and expectations as pharmacists in drug stores or hospitals, or related laboratories of companies, government or school. The department offers many courses related to clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical science including new drug development.To receive the Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, a student must
1) complete a minimum of 155 credit units
2) complete 125 units for mandatory professional courses
3) complete 30 units for professional courses
4) 1 year practical pharmacy experimental practice in hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy, and industry pharmacy and medicinal administration
3. Courses
- Year 1
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Physical Pharmacy, Medicinal synthetic chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Preventive pharmacy, Pharmacy Practice - Year 2
Pharmacal Microbiology, Anatomy, Toxicology, Pharmacology, Human Physiology, Quality control of drug, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Statistics, Social Pharmacy - Year 3
Pathological Physiology, Pharmacotherapy, Medicinal chemistry, Pharmacopoeia, Pharmacy Regulation, Pharmacokinetics, Introductory Pharmacy Experimental Practice - Year 4
Introductory Pharmacy Experimental Practice, Community Pharmacy Practice, Hospital Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmaceutics, Inpatient Care/General Medicine, Industry Pharmacy and medicinal Administration Practice, Advanced Pharmacy Experiential Practice
4. Careers and Graduate Destination
By graduation, students will develop the ability to reason logically and critically; acquired an appreciation of the contributions of clinical pharmacy and research in the pharmaceutical science to the underpinning of advances in the health care of the community and where appropriate received encouragement to pursue research interests; developed learning skills and motivation to provide the basis for self-directed continuing education; acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate for further education in any pharmacy and pharmaceutical specialty; and demonstrated competence in the application of medical knowledge and attitudes with professionalism to the needs and expectations as pharmacists in drug stores or hospitals, or related laboratories of a company, government or school.
Korean Pharmacy
1. What is Korean Pharmacy ?
Korean Pharmacy Science focuses on the application of medical knowledge and attitudes with professionalism to the needs and expectations as Korean pharmacists in drug stores or hospitals, or related laboratories of a company, government or school. The field of Korean Pharmacy Science includes Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Botany, Herbology, Natural Product Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, English for Korean Pharmacy, Anatomy, Pharmacognosy, Physiology, Dispensatory for Korean Medicine, Hygienic Chemistry, Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Commerce of Korean Medicine, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Structural Analysis, Korean Medical Physiology, Storagylogy of Korean Drugs, Toxicology, Chinese Sang- Han-Rhon, Medical Sa-Sang, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Korean Pharmacy Prescription, Korean Medical Pharmacology, Health Functional Food, Cultivation of Korean Pharmacy Drugs, Pharmacopoeia, Immunology, Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, Endocrinology, Introduction of Food Engineering, and Agricultural Chemical Medicine.
2. Korean Pharmacy at Kyung Hee
Kyung Hee University has a tradition of research and teaching in Korean Pharmacy Science. The excellent faculty and facilities have allowed all students to learn how to grasp the nature of materials for the cure and prevention of disease with academic backgrounds and techniques and philosophy. The programs are directed towards the acquisition of pharmaceutical knowledge and professional philosophy. The undergraduate course in Korean Pharmacy Science is, therefore, directed towards the personal development of the individual student and to the acquisition and utilization of modern and traditional pharmaceutical knowledge, medical practice, skills and attitudes with various studies and experiments for the benefit of individual patients and society. To receive the Bachelor of Science in Korean Pharmacy Science, a student must
1) complete a minimum of 150 credit units
2) satisfy the general requirements of the school for professional degrees
3) complete 35 units of required courses
4) complete 86 units of compulsory courses for Korean Pharmacy Science
5) complete 29 units of elective courses for Korean Pharmacy Science
6) acquire a minimum English proficiency test
3. Courses
- Year 1
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Botany - Year 2
Herbology, Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Anatomy, Pharmacognosy, Physiology, Korean Medical Physiology, Agricultural Chemical Medicine - Year 3
Natural Product Chemistry, Hygienic Chemistry, Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Structural Analysis, Storagylogy of Korean Pharmacy Drugs, Toxicology, Chinese Sang-Han-Rhon, Medical Sa-Sang, Pharmacokinetics, Cultivation of Oriental Drugs, Immunology, Endocrinology, Herbal Processing - Year 4
Dispensatory for Korean Medicine, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Oriental Prescription, Korean Medical Pharmacology, Health Functional Food, Pharmacopoeia, Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, Introduction of Food Engineering, Commerce of Korean Medicine
4. Careers and Graduate Destination
Our students have an array of employment choices after graduation. They can go to a research in several pharmaceutical-related areas, including drug store, local and international pharmaceutical companies. They can also play an important role in government for establishment of pharmaceutical strategy. We also strongly recommend entering a graduate program related to Korean pharmacy science.
Pharmaceutical Science
1. What is Pharmaceutical Science?
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences is cultivating specialists needed for drug research and development in a wide diversity of chemical and pharmaceutical fields. This department establishes a comprehensive program that delivers chemical and pharmaceutical structures, properties analyses, and reactions of drugs and related compounds as a tool for elucidating and controlling life phenomena.
2. Pharmaceutical Science at Kyung Hee
The Department of Pharmaceutical Science of the College of Pharmacy was initially launched in 2010. This department focuses on the education for pharmaceutical science, application of medicinal knowledge and attitudes with professionalism to the needs and expectations as scientists in pharmaceutical and chemical companies, government, schools or research institutes. The department offers many courses related to pharmaceutical science including new drug development. To receive the Bachelor of Science in Science, a student must
1) complete a minimum of 130 credit units
2) satisfy the English proficiency
3) complete 17 units for cultural studies including foreign languages
4) complete 45 units for mandatory professional courses
5) complete 39 units for professional courses
3. Courses
- Year 1
General Chemistry, General Physics, General Biology, Calculus, Medical Terminology, Pharmacognosy. - Year 2
Physical Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry, Organic Chemistry1, Biochemistry1, Analytical Chemistry, Physiology, Statistics. - Year 3
Medicinal Chemistry1, Pharmacology1, Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Management, Instrumental Analysis, Pharmacokinetics, Hygienic Chemistry, Pharmacokinetics, Molecular Biology. - Year 4
Immunology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Marketing, Pharmaceutical Regulation, Pathology, Endocrinology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacopoeia, Endocrinology, New Drug Development.
4. Careers and Graduate Destination
Our students have an array of employment choices after graduation. They can go to a research in several pharmaceutical-related areas, including chemical and pharmaceutical companies and research institutes. We also strongly recommend entering a graduate program related to pharmaceutical science.